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Carrier Customer Days

We are very excited to be part of the Carrier Customer Days as Expert Partner.
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During the Customer Days we explore the innovation of Carrier to be ready for a more sustainable future

Carrier Commercial Refrigeration launches its Customer Days series this week, creating high-touch, immersive and interactive tours through Carrier’s Innovation Center in Mainz, Germany. The events offer customers a truly unique experience to see innovative products and technology, as well as provide a forum for discussions around current capabilities and future developments, focusing on energy savings and sustainable solutions for European retail customers.

JDV has been asked to develop a Retail Module to start the interactive program of Carrier. In this module we explore the retail market in a time of disruption, share our vision towards the future and give context for the innovation themes: energy reduction and sustainability, flexible merchandising and the digital ecosystem.

To learn more about the Customer Days Series click here.